If you're looking for a kid carrier that makes outdoor adventures easier and more enjoyable, the Trail Magik Kid Carrier should definitely be in your outdoor gear closet. Use adriannaadventures20 at the Kids Who Explore Explorer Store to get 20% your Trail Magik.
I am an avid outdoor adventure, hiking, and backpacking mom that has been using the Trail Magik since it was launched. It has made my adventures more enjoyable and helped my kids as baby's and has been even more helpful during toddlerhood. We are so honoured to have beeb able to co-brand our very own carrier with Trail Magik and Kids Who Explore. Trail Magik colour takes pride in its vibrant purple on purple color, which symbolizes a commitment to mental health awareness. We chose to feature this vibrant purple in our co-brand to highlight the importance of mental health. Our purple #Patch4APurpose represents Mental Health Awareness, aligning with our belief that connecting with the outdoors is a powerful way to navigate mental health challenges. We’re excited to share this message with everyone.
I use my Trail Magik mostly for these five main things:
Backpacking with my kids
Travelling with my kids
Tandem-wearing my kids on hikes
Piggy back without backpack
Emergency purposes when kids refuse to walk
The Incredible Benefits of the Trail Magik Kid Carrier:
Super Lightweight
The Trail Magik is a game-changer, weighing in at 10 times lighter than typical backpack kid carriers. This means less strain on your back and more enjoyment during your hikes, allowing you to focus on the experience rather than the weight. Ideal for backpacking when you need to pack everything as a light as possible.
Builds Endurance
With the Trail Magik, you can keep your little ones on the trail longer, encouraging them to build their endurance as they explore the great outdoors. It helps your child stay engaged and adventurous, making the journey just as exciting as the destination. Endurance is always needed on backpacking and hiking trips.
Rest On-Demand
One of the standout features is the ability to provide easy on-and-off access for quick breaks. When children need a moment to rest, simply unclip them. This flexibility ensures that your little explorers can take a breather whenever they need it, enhancing their overall experience. Backpacking can use a lot energy so resting up toddler legs really helps.
Versatile Use
The Trail Magik isn’t just for hiking! This adaptable carrier is useful in a variety of settings—from the beach and farmer’s markets to navigating from the car to the chairlift. It’s even a great companion at Disneyland! Wherever your adventures take you, the Trail Magik has you covered. I have piggybacked my oldest son back to the car on many hikes with it too. We use our when backpacking and hiking mostly. We have travelled around the world with it too.
Compact and Space-Saving
When it’s time to pack up, the Trail Magik packs down small, freeing up valuable space in your backpack for other gear. This means you can carry more essentials for your family outings without feeling overloaded. I always pack a Trail Magik along on our group hikes because someone ends up needing it. It is always light and folds into the backpack easily on backpacking trips too.
Emergency Situations Ready
In unexpected situations, the lightweight and portable design of the Trail Magik can prove to be invaluable. It’s always good to be prepared, and this carrier gives you peace of mind knowing you have a reliable option for carrying your child if needed. My husband and I pack two Trail Magik carriers along on backpacking trips with our kids.
Compatible with Most Packs
The Trail Magik easily clips onto most day and backpacking packs, enhancing its versatility. You don’t have to worry about compatibility issues—just clip it on and get ready for your adventure!
Trail Magik Specs
For or kids age 1 year+, and up to 43lbs.
Weight: 9.8oz
Dimensions: 15 in x 14 in
Durable Cordura® Nylon Body
Heavy Nylon Webbing Straps
YKK buckles
Metal carabiners
How to Use Trail Magik:
We have a many demo videos posted on Kids Who Explore socials to show you how we use the Trail Magik in all the different ways that we use it.
Trail Magik carrier Demonstration from the founder of Trail Magik.

The Trail Magik kid carrier is the best backpacking adventure item. Whether you’re embarking on a rugged hike or a fun day out, the Trail Magik Kid Carrier brings outstanding benefits that enhance both convenience and enjoyment. Lightweight, versatile, and ready for any situation, this carrier will help create lasting memories of outdoor adventures with your little ones. Get ready to explore the world together with the Trail Magik! If you are shopping right off the Trail Magik website, you can use my discount code KIDSWHOEXPLORE for 10% off your Trail Magik order (they have a lot of colour options there).